Robert Waite has 17 years experience in the computer field as a Developer of commercial software, Consultant and System Architect. Graduating from Duke University with a M.D.-PhD in 1975, he starting a career as a Clinical Pathologist and Laboratory Director with a focus on Computer-driven Information Technology.
Seeing a more dynamic and receptive environment for computer-technology in the business-world, he joined Windship Yachts as Chief Financial Officer and Vice-President for Information Technology in 1986. During that tenure, he programmed the most sophisticated and integrated Project Management/Job Cost/Accounting package in use worldwide in the construction of large yachts. This System, for a company of 240 employees building multi-million dollar yachts, allowed Management to know at 9 AM each morning the results of the previous days labor and where they were on the Cost-Curve and Business Plan.
Spring-boarding upon his considerable experience in business and management, upon the demise of Windship Yachts, Robert embarked upon a full-time career as a Computer Programming Consultant to Small Business. He has had numerous Clients small and large including sole authorship for a number of Commercial Software Products.
Recently, he served as Vice-President for Programming at Lettuce Marketing, LLC in Sarasota, FL where he extended his Programming & Business skills with complete Responsibility for the corporate hardware and server-software.
His specialty has been designing and programming Web sites, both Internet and Corporate Intranets using Microsoft technology and he became an early adopter of Microsofts Dot Net Technology.
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